Monday, May 14, 2007

Longest Day on Record

Wow, have you ever felt like no matter what you accomplish that the day is just never going to end? I had one of those days today. I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning and didn't get into work until 7:30. I then proceeded to take almost a 2 hour lunch and leave after 7 hours to take my husband to get his truck at the repair shop. I then went to dinner with a friend and seemed to be on a dead run all day long. I wanted to walk when I got home today but I was exhausted. I compromised (and pushed myself) to walk 2/3 of a mile in 14 minutes. I pushed myself hard to do it and felt my legs burning. I didn't walk yesterday like I had planned as I was really sore from my hike on Saturday. It was only on the road, but it was uphill for the first 3/4 of a mile. It really make me realize how out of shape that I am.

I am going to try to get up and go into work early tomorrow so that I can catch up on the 2 hours I was missing today. Working 9 hour days is hard if you have to take any time off as it makes it difficult to make up time, however that Friday we have off every other week is AWESOME!! It is a busy week at work so I am hoping that I can get done everything that I need to do.

I am making myself a promise for tomorrow. I will come directly home after work and walk at least a half an hour and then starting working on my cleaning. I've had the intention to start cleaning just not the time. Oh well, it is time for me to MAKE the time!!

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