Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Wow, what an amazing year! I can't believe how much my life has changed. My husband and I viewed pictures of me that were taken in October of 2006 and I was amazed. I guess I didn't realize how much of a change had happened over the past 100 pounds. It really made me realize that I don't ever, ever want to go back there again.

I have come up with a few resolutions for the new year.

1. Walk/Jog/Run on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes per day 6 days a week.
2. Spend at least 15 minutes on the Elliptical Machine 3-4 days per week.
3. Try to get to Curves 3 times a week during the rest of the winter.
4. Get back on the band wagon - Eat Healthy... The Holiday's are over!!!
5. Save at least $50 per paycheck for my new goal weight wardrobe.

I'm also getting back into my quilting. I have caught up on my Sister's of the Square in the Square Society classes. I went the the first one in October, I missed the one in November due to work travel and the class in December I missed due to really crappy weather. I am back on the band wagon. The classes are held the first Wednesday of each month through September 2008. I'm really hooked on the Square In A Square method by Jodi Barrows. (http://www.squareinasquare.com/) It makes my life easier and a ton of fun making classic quilts!! I'm planning on taking two more SNS classes this year and I can't wait. I'm going to try to use up my stash, but I'm not making any promises, a little bit of fabric here and there never hurt any quilter :)

Happy New Year to All!! May all of your wishes come true....

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