Friday, January 23, 2009

I took a day off

So I made it to 4 days in a row, but ended up taking yesterday off. I was physically and emotionally drained. I did hit the gym again today and did 40 minutes on the Arc Trainer. I'm loving that machine :) I am still very, very motivated. It has only been a week and I mentally and physically am seeing the benefits already. I'm not sure on the whole weight thing... I feel like a lard a$$ at 170 pounds. That is 12 pounds higher than my lowest weight in April of 2008, but I am beginning to think that it is probably the conversion of fat to muscle as I heard that muscle weighs 3 times as much as fat!!!!! I'm excited to see how my body changes.

We had a beautiful day today it was in the mid forties, however a deep freeze is headed this way with the highs only in the teens. I can't wait until Spring!!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Third Day in a Row.... Argh!!!!

Today was my 4th time at the gym and my 3rd day in a row. I am definitely getting into the swing of things. I love the gym and think it was a great decision on my part.

I have found out a few key things:
1. I can't work out after 4pm, I get so pumped up that I can't settle and go to sleep for the night.
2. It does get easier....
3. I'm not as young as I once was :)

I have vowed to do the following things:
1. Go to the gym 6 out of 7 days a week
2. Do a cardio workout everyday
3. Get into a routine with weights upper body one day and lower body the next day
4. Get up and go to the gym before work (Monday to Friday)
5. Get at least 100g. of protein per day, 30g before working out and 30g after working out.
6. Get 64oz. of water per day.
7. Hide the scale!!!!!! I can't be obsessed with my weight right now, I am building muscle which weighs 3 times as much as fat!!!!! The weight will come off by itself.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I did it.... I finally joined a gym

I joined Planet Fitness on Monday and went for the first time today and I loved every minute of it!!!!! I am going to a RNY Support Group Meeting tomorrow for a refresher of what I should be doing. I'll keep everyone posted with my progress!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Well here it is 18 months post surgery and into a new year and time for my New Year's Resolution!!! So I am creeping past 165 pounds and I need to get myself under control!!! I am going to take my own advice from long ago and adhere to a strict eating plan, write everything down, and ensure I get enough water. I am also going to join a gym. I think my goals for 2009 are to be a fit 145 lbs and get pregnant..... Only time will tell. Plus I am going to blog more for my own sanity!!!