Saturday, February 7, 2009

What a week!!!!

So I have had quite the week. I went to the doctors, had to get x-rays, fainted and had to go to the ER..... Medically speaking it was a really really long week. To make a really long story short.... everything is absolutely fine, nothing that a day of rest, some physical therapy and a massage won't take care of!!!

So my goals have been updated starting with the new week....
1. Go to the gym 5 out of 7 days for a cardio workout. (no weights for me for a while)
2. Eat between 1000 & 1200 calories a day.
3. Get between 80g. and 120g. of protein a day
4. Track my progress using
5. Weigh myself tomorrow and then have my darling husband hide the scale until 4 weeks from today!!!!
6. I would like to loose enough weight to make it to 145 pounds by my 2 year post op appointment on June 4th.....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wow, Its February Already!!!!

So I fell off the workout wagon this week, not for lack of wanting too, but I manged to mangle the muscles in my shoulder and have had nagging pain all week. I'm going to try to get into the doctor's tomorrow and maybe try going to the gym for at least a cardio workout since I am going stir crazy!!!

I have found a couple cool things to share. I found a website called that allows you to put in your goals and calculate your calories/protein/carbs for the day and track your workouts as well. There are many of them out there, but I am going to try this one for now. I think it is a great free tool for anyone to use that is working to track there food intake and workout info. The other thing that is way cool for those of us that have protein shakes on a regular basis. It is called a Blender Bottle. The one I have came from a local GNC. It is a bottle that has a stainless steel spring in the shape of a ball that blends the protein powder and liquid without lumps..... This is an awesome tool for those of us mixing on the road or without access to a electric mixer. The other benefit is that it doesn't put as much air in the shake as an electric mixer, for those of us that can't handle that on a regular basis.