Saturday, February 7, 2009

What a week!!!!

So I have had quite the week. I went to the doctors, had to get x-rays, fainted and had to go to the ER..... Medically speaking it was a really really long week. To make a really long story short.... everything is absolutely fine, nothing that a day of rest, some physical therapy and a massage won't take care of!!!

So my goals have been updated starting with the new week....
1. Go to the gym 5 out of 7 days for a cardio workout. (no weights for me for a while)
2. Eat between 1000 & 1200 calories a day.
3. Get between 80g. and 120g. of protein a day
4. Track my progress using
5. Weigh myself tomorrow and then have my darling husband hide the scale until 4 weeks from today!!!!
6. I would like to loose enough weight to make it to 145 pounds by my 2 year post op appointment on June 4th.....

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