Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Details...

The surgery went great. I went into surgery around 12:30 on Thursday and was in recovery for a couple of hours ( I think at least... I was a little hazy at that point). The first thing that I thought of was that I was alive and have made it through the hard part of having surgery. My husband was there when I got out of recovery and I was really happy to see him. I was in a room by myself for most of the night. I wasn't really in too much pain. I was glad for the Perkiest every 4 hours though. I was up and walking around the floor a few hours after surgery. My husband kept telling me that I was wearing him out, I know it was all in good humor, but boy did it feel good to get out of the bed. The only other funny thing that happened in the few hours after my surgery was that my bladder was shy. I always had someone standing outside of the bathroom door and I had to turn the water on to make me be able to go. I did laugh quite a few times about that.

I think I was a bit whinny as I didn't get more than 15 minutes of sleep at any time during the night. I ended up with a roommate at about 1am so I was up for quite a while with that. They had to keep checking my sugar levels as at one point they had spiked to 196 or so. I ended up getting Insulin (how IRONIC is that) at least 3 times, maybe more. Dr. Graber came in to see me after the surgery as well as in the morning. He was happy with how I was moving around and told me to take a shower. He thought that there was a good possibility that he would discharge me later in the afternoon. I was really really happy to hear that. I do have to say that taking a shower in the hospital was the best thing that I could ever have done. I let the hot water beat on my abdomen for a while and it helped reduce the muscle soreness and help relieve some of the gas. I was up walking around doing laps around the floor most of the afternoon prior to being discharged.

They released me about 4pm on Friday and I was thrilled. The main thing that I am having trouble with currently is the muscle soreness in my abdomen. I have 6 incisions from my belly button up to my sternum. I am only on Tylenol for pain and that is handling it very well.

I've made up for not sleeping really well I took 2 two hour naps yesterday after I got home and then slept from about Midnight to 7:30 am. I got up took some tylenol had 1 ounce of a protein shake and promptly went back to bed by 10am. I woke up about 1pm and have been doing well ever since. Since waking up at 1pm I am sip, sip, sipping on my 2nd 16.9 ounce bottle of water and I know how hard it will be to get 64 oz. per day in especially while I am sleeping and "eating" my protein shakes. I have to say the protein shake that I had this morning was heaven on earth. After not being able to have anything other than clear liquids since Monday morning at midnight it was totally AWESOME.

For fun and games I got on the scale this morning and I actually weigh one more pound than I did prior to surgery. It doesn't bother me at all. With all the fluids and medications that they were pushing I'm surprised it isn't more. I will go back to weighing myself once a week on Thursdays starting this coming Thursday June 21st.

Well I'm off to sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk.

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