Monday, June 25, 2007

Wow... The Scales Say....

Well I finally bugged my husband enough to let me get the scales and weigh myself. We had agreed to wait until I went to Dr. Graber's, but I just couldn't wait that long. I got on the scales this morning and I have to say I was impressed. I have lost 12 pounds since the surgery. Holy crap. If I didn't see it myself I wouldn't have believed it. I've worked my way up to a tablespoon of food 3 times a day plus 2 protein shakes and seem to be handling it well. I've been sipping away on my water, but sometimes if I take a nap it makes it hard to get my water in.

I have now tried mashed potatoes, yogurt, cottage cheese and applesauce. I still have to try oatmeal, but that might be later today. They all seem to be agreeing with my pouch as I haven't had any major problems other than some minor gas.

I was toying with the idea of going back to work earlier than I planned, but I am thinking that might not be a good idea. I still am having to take a nap most days. I'll probably stick with my plan of Thursday.

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