Thursday, June 28, 2007

Back to Work

I went into work today and mad it a total of 6 hours. I didn't think that was too bad. I have tomorrow off and only have 4 days of work each of the next two weeks. It felt really good to be back at work as I was going stir crazy at home. I had to go back to get another vial of blood drawn today after I left work as they forgot a vial when I went in yesterday. I figured that it should be enough time for Dr. Graber's office to receive the results by my appointment on Tuesday, July 3rd.

I went to my 2nd Support Group Meeting and had a grand time. I met a bunch of different people and found out all of the quirky things I have been experiencing are NORMAL. The first thing that is normal is...I had to call the doctors on Tuesday as I hadn't had a bowel movement since the Thursday before. They suggested that I use Miralax 1 dose daily until things started to move. I finally had some movement today, but I not back to normal. The other thing that I found out is normal is when I stand up sometimes I get very lightheaded. That is just my body getting used to the way it works now.

I got on the scale this morning and have lost a total of 14 pounds since the surgery and 42 since I began the process. I'm very excited about how things are going. I went out to lunch with a good friend on Tuesday and had a side mashed potatoes. They were probably the best thing I've had since my surgery. I had lunch and dinner and threw out more than half of what I was given. I had to laugh, I was a cheap date $1.19 hehehehe

My aunt and uncle are coming into town this weekend. They haven't seen me in at least a month or better, I can't wait to see what they say. We are all going out to dinner tomorrow and I am very much looking forward to my mashed potatoes. My Father is stressing about them not having mashed potatoes and I told him not to worry, I can handle it. He is fixated on things not being right for me :)

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