Sunday, December 9, 2007

'Tis the Season

to be jolly!!! I went to our office Christmas party last night and I have to say I looked darn good. Its hard to believe that I have lost 97 pounds. It seems like a lifetime ago that I weighed 283 pounds... even though it hasn't even been a year since I started the gastric bypass process.

I'm still hanging in there, even though it is the season to be jolly, I'm trying not to eat too badly. I've been on a tuna fish kick lately, so that is my main staple. I went to the doctors for my 6 month check up and my potassium and my protein levels were slightly low, the NP wasn't too worried about it, but it does concern me a bit. I'd like to start taking potassium and supplementing my protein a bit, but I am not sure it that is the correct course of action or not. I know that I can supplement my protein with a shake or 2 a day, but I am not sure what taking potassium will do. I'll have to do more research. I have lost 70% of my goal 138 pound weight loss. I think that with a little luck I will be able to reach my 100 pound weight loss by Christmas. I only have 3 more pounds to go, but I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch.

I had to go buy a pair of jeans the other day. I only had two pairs that remotely fit. The were both 14W. Even though they were the same size one pair had gotten way to big. I still can wear one pair of 14W since they are comfortable. I ended up going to JCPenny and getting a pair of regular size 14s that fit awesome. I was really tempted to get another pair in a size 12 since I love the jeans, but I'll wait until after Monday since I got 2 $10 off a $10 purchase coupons for JCPenny's in the mail yesterday. It doesn't hurt to stock up on smaller size clothes as I know I will get there eventually. I think that I am set for clothing for now, most everything that I am wearing right now on top is an XL with an occasional Large thrown if for good measure. I have a bunch of sweaters that will fit after Christmas sometime, but most everything I have gotten recently is cotton so a little hot water and a hot dryer will go a long way to shrink some of the tops when necessary. I try not to go overboard on bottoms as I seem to go through them rather fast, at least with sweaters if they get a little big it isn't a big deal.

I spent all afternoon wrapping presents today. I have everything wrapped that I currently have. I'm still waiting on a few more items to come in. I am definitely in the spirit of the season. I have Christmas cookies to make, but I am afraid that they will be too much of a temptation for me. I love cookies, especially home made ones. I am going to make a promise to myself that I will be good all week this week and over the weekend since our office is having "our" holiday luncheon and Secret Santa gift exchange on Monday the 17th. If I am good all week, then I don't feel badly having a little bit of everything on the 17th. I will then be good the following week so that I can have a nice dinner on Christmas Eve with my Father in Law and Christmas Day with my parents. Obviously when I say I am being bad, I still can't eat a lot, but I can definitely to the taste test thing :)

At the Christmas Party there was a professional photographer there, he took two poses of my husband and I, I am really looking forward to seeing the pictures and possibly ordering some for some family members. I'll keep you posted in how they come out.

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